You can play it safe by using the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- low kicks --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- headbutt --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- . --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Every --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Character --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- has his strengths/weaknesses. Use each --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Character --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to learn which --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- one fits your needs. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- You will be awarded a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Secret Code --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- for your score, no matter what the score - watch --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Character --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- at the end of the game - he will disclose it to you. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Every 500 points you will be awarded a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Super Secret Code --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- . --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- You will need to use --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Secret Codes --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- in order to progress and get higher scores. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- If there are many --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Balloons --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- on the screen - and you have excessive --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ball Saves --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- - use --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ball Save --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to grab the points!